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Black Pepper

Terry Golombick

Black pepper is a  commonly used spice in kitchens today, with recent research showing that it can be a vital anticancer component in your diet.

Why Black Pepper?

Piperine is the active component in pepper that is believed to cause the destruction of free radicals that can cause damage to cells of your body.

Piperine also has the ability to enhance the absorption of other beneficial anticancer compounds in other foods such as green tea and turmeric.

When mixed with turmeric, a bright yellow spice, black pepper has been found to increase the body’s absorption of turmeric’s anticancer compound, curcumin.

In addition, when black pepper is ingested alongside green tea, it has also been found that the anticancer compound EGCG in green tea is absorbed at increased levels.

It is recommended that food seasoned with black pepper be eaten along with your turmeric and green tea to reap the most benefit.


Add only a sprinkle to your food! A maximum dose of 15mg daily is suggested. Too much can be irritating to the digestive system and interfere with other medication. 

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